Here's to my first awkward blog post. You know, the one where you should introduce yourself and tell your whole life story. Well, that's a long story, so I'm just going to jump right into things and hopefully we can learn more about each other along the way.
I will introduce myself some; I love everything running and triathlon. It is pretty much my life. I have been having IT band issues for a few years now. If any of you have had it before, you know how painful it can be. I have tried Physical Therapy, cortisone injections, tape, etc.
Cortisone Injections
(Don't mind the outfit, I think I dressed myself in the dark)
IT band taped up for the Chicago Marathon in 2015 |
Nothing seemed to help it. I recently
started having really bad pain in my knee as well. I went to the Dr. about 2 weeks ago and we decided the best thing to do at this point is surgery. I wanted to jump on in right away and get it taken care of before it gets too late into the season, so we scheduled the surgery for the following week. It has been 5 days since surgery. Everything went really well.
All ready to go |
I was freezing after surgery, I couldn't stop shaking.
It seemed like I was wrapped in a big bubble wrap, but it was nice and warm.
They fixed my IT band and found Plica in my knee that was the source of the pain. I've had to be off of my leg all week. It has been a long, never ending week. I had to be on crutches for a few days and finally was able to ditch those. I am definitely a person that likes to be on the go, so its been hard laying on the couch all week. I feel for those that have to lay there for weeks or months, I would go insane. I'm glad mine was only a few days, it sure seemed like weeks. I have a busy mind and its been hard to keep it positive when there's not much else to distract me. I was able to get out some and enjoy some sunshine.
I was a completely different person after (sorry to those that had to deal with me). I have my follow-up appointment tomorrow and hopefully they tell me good news. I am ready to hit it hard and get back to my training! Of course, I won't actually be able to hit it hard right away, but I can't wait to get my legs moving again. Times like these definitely make me not take my legs/health for granted. I am so grateful that I have legs that allow me to do what I love most. Let's pray for good news tomorrow!